Monday, December 12, 2005


Today, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger refused to spare the life of Stanley 'tookie' Williams, cofounder of the notorious gang The Crips, and convicted murder.
The nation is divided over whether or not he should be executed for his crimes because he has shown an incredible change over the years. I will not to influence readers on whether or not he should live or die, because after all, it is in God's hands, not Gov. Schwarzenegger's when his time will expire. I just hope that whatever happens, this nation can band together and heal, rather than let this decision act as a catalyst to divide us as a nation even further apart.
Also, I want to pray for everyone involved in this landmark decision. No matter which side of the fence you're on, it still hurts.

God bless,


Anonymous said...

I often find it amazing that people want to believe that someone has changed based on the new face that they present to people. The one thing that never changed about Tookie was his refusal to admit his guilt..... so if he truly wanted people to believe he had changed then he should have started with an apology to the family of the man he killed. I believe in a persons right to choose and he chose death as his path and he died based on that choice.

ME said...

I believe that Tookie was accused of murdering four individuals. I won't even begin to try to convince others to change his/her points of view, but I am willing to pray for everyone involved in the tragedy (especially the families left behind to pick up the pieces). I thank God that we haven't let Tookie's death tear this already fragile nation apart even further.