Thursday, January 12, 2006


I feel as if God has blessed me in my life. I have a wonderful family, great friends, and terrific readers. I am less than one month old in the writing game, and already I have a great group of readers who enjoy my books. I truly appreciate you all and the encouragement that you have given me. I am blessed to have you and I thank God for you. I have plans to write about what I know. I am going to do me, and I am glad that you are supporting me. I am grateful to my publishing company for letting me do things the way that I want to. Never once did they encourage me to 'tone things down'. They gambled on me and surrounded me with a team.
I love you all.



Anonymous said...

Congrats on the Price of Love I read it yesterday and oh my goodness. I wanted one of those constatine men.

ME said...

LOL. Thanks Tierra. They are something. You'll get a taste of another Constantine in a few months: Michael Constantine. He and Angelina Costas are mucho caliente'.