Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I've had the flu. While down and out, I got to see a lot of TV. And I've enjoyed it!!!
(Being a reading girl, I limit my TV viewing to Jeopardy, Ghost
Whisperer, House, court shows,and a few other selections) so I've
been amazed at the things that's on.
First off is Fox: I could kick them dumb ass closed minded, closet
Klans Beltway Bastard Boys!!! How dare they blame Oprah and Sean
Penn and other celebraties for the debocal of Katrina's relief? I
live on the Gulf Cost. Had it not been for Oprah, Sean Penn and
other celebraties, and church officals, many others would have died.
Sean Carter(Jay-Z) and P.Diddy being the first to render help just
days after the storm when it wasn't even being discussed on the
So for the Beltway Busters to try and diss the celebs and not our
tired ass, sorry, "it ain't my fault" Govt. is offensive!

Second thing that I've noticed that's going on....Videos! Black
people WTF. How are we letting our beloved entertainers get away
with exploiting black women? Come on These videos that come on
cable, BET, especially since VHI is still VH1 and MTV is now
REALITY, so it's we who are degrading, demeaning and demoralizing
our values and culture. What ever happened too "I'm black and I'm
proud? Black men being a Tribesmen, and ladies: your body is a
temple, don't let anyone just come in and worship."
You have Video hoes on the best sellers list for being a video hoe.
okay.(hateraide on my part, I guess.LOL)

Osama is still around. Where will he pop up next? In a Puffy Video?

What is the Govt. thinking about turing over control of our U.S.
Ports to the damned Saudi's. Who on this Earth and surrounding
Galaxies believes that the Saudi's are innocent in their knowledge
of terrorist plots against the U.S.? And why does Great Britian gets
to call some shots in this decusion? Besides Americans, who doesn't
own the U.S.?

And finally, Hell yeah Nick should get paid!!!


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