Friday, June 15, 2007


I'm having a near melt down at the thought of my daughter going to high school next year. For most parents, that concept alone is frightening. Add to that, my daughter is autistic; and I have to say, I am a wreck! Yes, I have faith, but to be honest, when I think about all of the things that can go wrong, my faith is tested, and hope seems to flee. I am a bag of nerves trying to train my children on 'what if' scenario's. I'll admit, the thought of a gunman walking around shooting students have my insides turned. I am not sleeping well at night.
On top of that, I've been avoiding the Dr. since my sugar is sky high.(I'm diabetic)

So, I was taught to pray. And I will. Having faith in God: I must have. And trying to hold on to sanity while dealing with transition: My goal.
I really need to be more like my husband. He worries only about the things he can change and leaves the rest up to the Man Upstairs. I guess praying the Serenity prayer all these years really works(he needed some sort of guidance being married to me). I'll start tomorrow. Actually, it's 2:00am, so I'll start tonight.

I'm out,

1 comment:

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