Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I'm pissed. I'm not sure if the story of the prominent attorney from Gulf Breeze and his "alleged" proposition to an undercover officer to have sex with her 5 year old daughter in Michigan has made national news.(Did I mention that he was willing to travel from Florida to Michigan to have sex with a 5 year old). Sigh. Anyway, he was busted.(On him they found a Dora Explorer doll,hoop earrings and petroleum jelly.
Here's the link.

While in jail, he committed suicide.(He was on suicide watch previously because he'd tried to kill himself when he'd first got into custody.)
I feel for this man's family, friends and associates. I really do. HOWEVER, I have issues with the community treating this man's death as a tragic accident, and focusing not on his crimes, but on what he's done for the community.
In my opinion, he was a disturbed monster who wanted to do unspeakable things to a 5 year old. Who, by his own admission, have done this before, and the community wants to remember his good works? Give me a F***ing break(I'm rolling my eyes).
I believe that the community should remember what kind of pervert he was so that we can be open to the fact that even respected pillars of the communities can be monsters. And start making examples rather than martyrs out of these individuals.
I'm angry because this is reflective of how our society view child predators. I'm not talking about the 18 year old having sex with his 16 year old girlfriend. I'm talking about these nasty ass pedophiles who prey on our children for sexual gratification.

I want to put a stop to them receiving suspended sentences, 4 months in jail, and other slaps on the hands when the children will always, and I mean always have to bare the scares for what these individuals have done to them. I say let the punishment fit the crime. The victim will have to suffer for life, why not the perp?
Okay. I've ranted enough.
What's your opinion?

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