Thursday, October 27, 2005

I'm going to take this time to rant a little. I want to express my disappointment in some of our 'great' publishing companies. I have to say that if any of you are looking, a lot of you have disappointed the reader to no end with your "Politically correct" sterotypes and bigotry.
I am complaining that there is a lack of creativity in the diversity of nontraditional contemporary romance.

Problem number One : Black/brown/yellow people read too! Stop assuming that black people and my sisters and brothers from the islands, and across the waters, don't read, because we do. We love to read books that reflect our culture. Diversify your publications. I know of some really great quality African American/Hispanic/Asian writers, that will blow your mind while acquiring you an untapped market.
Need some names? Anisa Damien, Jade James, Marilyn Lee, Stephanie Saint Blacque, Noemi DeLeon, Camille Anthony, Stephanie Buke,Eve Vaughn... the list goes on and on.
I'm not just limiting my list to ethnic writers only, I know a few sisters from the Caucasian pursuasion that can lay it down.
Marianne Lacroix, Deanna Lee, Jeigh Lynn, Dar Thomlinson and Jaci Burton
So there is no excuse for not seeing more ethnic looking faces in the book catalogues.

Problem number Two: The quality of work produced by the 'masses'(don't want to say white market), is great. The publishing companies believe in giving quality work to their mass market.
When it comes down to the ethnic line, it seems as if the editors are on vacation. I see flaws, type o's and major faux pas. Hell, there were a few times when I caught some name changes for one character in one book. *sighing*
And publishers, don't assume that we haven't caught on to the unequal distrabution of ethnic stories, because we have.
Hint: If your company hasn't published more than one colored face in the past month, shame on you.*tsk*tsk
However, on the flip side of that, African American publishers, get out of the sterotype. We want more than the same story w/ different characters. And how about caughing up a couple of dollars for an editor? I'm not talking about your kin folk and work buddies, unless he or she holds a degree in English. Editing is important, and is sadly over looked in some of our publishing companies.

Point number three: I know that it's a secret, but, (I'm whispering this tid bid of info to you)come closer now, I don't want this to get out, GAYS AND LESBIANS READ TOO! I am sure that they want their stories told in a beautiful way, and told often. Why do they have to wait for Haley's comet to see another M/M, Lesbian themed book?
Sheesh people get a clue!

I want to end this rant by saying that minorites want equal representation as our non minority counterparts. It would behoove you to think about my points. If you take heed, we all will benefit. If you publish it, readers will come.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I am very saddened by the death toll in Iraq. I want to express my deepest sympathies to the families, and friends to the love ones whose fought for this country and died.

*A moment of silence*

I also want to thank God for the service men and women who came back alive. Your struggles will supersede the battlefield, and I love you all for it. I'll never be able to express in person my gratitude, but I hope that my message reaches you.


I was listening to the news regarding the victims of hurricane Wilma. I want to send out my prayers to all of you, both State side and abroad.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Hi everyone. I wanted to take this time to invite you to an OMP chat. All is welcomed. Stephanie Saint Blacque is hosting tonight. She's the author of Liquid Assets.
At 8:00pm EST.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Hello everyone, I wanted to take this time to welcome you if you've made it here. I've been giving out, rather I've been advertising the wrong blogsite. *sigh* . I know. I'm a freaking genius.

Also I'll be starting my interviews w/ those individuals at the top of their games in the epub world. So stay tuned.

Happy Birthay and Belated Birthday to the following:
If I've left you out, don't fret, just post it.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Hello everyone. I wanted to welcome you to my blog spot. It's going to be insane here. I'm planning on having fun w/this. So stay tuned.
