Saturday, March 15, 2008


I tell you, if it wasn't for bad luck... I would have none. I am convinced that I am a walking, talking, Murphy's Law.
In Jan. I got the flu. Twice. I was disapproved for a loan because my mortgage company has been reporting me delequent since July!!! When I brought this error to their attention they were like: Oops! Write us a letter and we'll rectify this immediately!
The doctor is requesting an audience with me again(it's hardly ever good when they do this); my sugar is so high my meter is reading ERROR!!!
And on top of this, I am trying to finish renovating my house. We've moved into an apartment in the mean time(The children were derailing our progress at every turn). The first week at the new apartment, they put one child on the wrong bus, the other child had no bus, and I had to wait an hour and a half for the third child's bus to come both morning (5:00am) and evening, until they got the route straight! The other house is scheduled to be finished 2 months early, so I better off load this house before I enter into MortgageX2, plus rent! On top of all this, my phones are acting crazy and I can hardly log onto my internet(failing signal and all). And did I mention that I am a bitch to live with right now?

But on a lighter note, I am back to writing, and I have to say, it feels damned good!
