Friday, October 26, 2007

genarlow wilson

Thank God he's free. Genarlow Wilson, the Ga. boy who was convicted of felony sex offense and was sentenced to ten years for having consensual sex with a 15year old when he was 17.(Lord Take The Wheel)Many of us heathens would be just getting out of jail if this type of malicious prosecution was the norm. I mean, don't we have enough perverted pedophiles in the community to convict rather than meddling into high school mischief that should be handled by parents, some punishment and a chasity belt? My bad they are the ones prosecuting these kids behaving badly. I wish the best for this young man. I hope he goes on with his life and fight the good fight. I don't want to see him 'making it rain' on Youtube like the Jena6 boneheads. Have you seen that clip with the Jena6 crew flashing their defense money around and flossing their jewelery for the camera. I'm rolling my eyes to the sky. I guess they think that the public was rooting for them and not the justice system. It's about them...Not! I know that I didn't want to see these boys do 20 years for jumping someone, hell I've been jumped and all the girls got was beat down individually by my big sister Lisa--Love you Elle. Any who, I was supporting equal justice, not juvenile delinquents behaving badly.

Okay, I've had my Jena6 melt down. Back to Genarlow Wilson, I wish the best for him and his family. It took a lot of courage to do what he did. (He fought the charges rather than take a plea deal from the public pretender). Here's a link to the case.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I am way too busy to read at the moments; however, there are some books out there that have me chomping at the bits. I can't wait to read them: Shadow Dance by Taige Crenshaw; Whipped by Layne Blacque, Undercover by Terri Carnis.
I can't wait to finish up my 'to do' list. Do you have any interesting reads?

L.T. Rashard
When Real Life Hits The Pages of Romance

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

SoCal is burning

Jesus, Mary and Jojo, Southern California is burning! My prayers go out to the poor people in that region. I use to be stationed out at NAVSTA, San Diego. I lived off of the I-15, near Qualcomm Statium. (Qualcomm Statium is now housing evacuees.)
It's sad because many of these people have lost everything, except their lives. (And that's the most important thing)
And thank God for the firefighters who have been up for days fighting this blaze. Their heroism is just amazing. I'll keep them and their families in my prayers.


Thursday, October 18, 2007


Lately I've been running around like a chicken with her head cut off. Why? Because I have so many things going on. I've even forgotten what day of the week it is. Seriously. And to make matters worst, I 've not been getting a lot of sleep, and when I do, I dream of my closest friends. Yesterday when I dozed off, I dreamed that Stephanie was telling me about new book contracts. And last night, I dreamed that Nikki and I was on a secret Ops. mission in the future, and Terrial was there, so she and I went shoe shopping. And all the shoes...
The significance of this is that Steph and I met at OMP(we have the same publisher).
Nikki and I met in the military.
Terrial and I met when I was 2 and she was 3.

Anyway, back to me and the day. It's Thursday, I think and I have a long to-do list. I can't wait until Friday. Sigh.


Monday, October 15, 2007

NEW WEBSITE is up and poppin'! Come and check it out!!!



So I went camping with J3(my youngest daughter) and her GS troop. Anyway, we hiked four miles to eat. Brilliant me took my diabetes medication 2 hours before we were to eat. Did I mention that I need to eat when I take this medication? Anyway, by the time I hiked up to the cafeteria, I was shaking, sweating, and ready to pass out. Thank God the nurse on duty was eating at that time. They administered a diabetic emergency kit(GS rules, they are really prepared for anything). After an hour or so, I was ready for my hike back to the closing ceremony. I spent the rest of the weekend trying to calm fluctuating sugar levels, and nursing a headache.


Thursday, October 11, 2007


Do you claim to be "black" or "African American"? I was reading a blog where the blogger says that we(black/African Americans) should stop calling ourselves African Americans and call ourselves blacks... The bloggers comment stirred something in me because I don't feel as if I should choose. I use the words interchangeably.

There are problems with both titles. For instance, what other group of people identify themselves by their color? To me, it shows a lack of origin, culture and history. But I am comfortable with identifying myself as a Black American. So because it's convenient to say, it's a keeper?

Now the title of African American holds promise; however, when I think of an African American, I think of Barack Obama, my great-grand daddy, Charlize Theron. Not Beyonce', my cousin Essie, or Sean "P-Diddy" Combs. The latter three were born and raised here in the U.S. However, they all have African Ancestors.

I guess the answer lies in how one sees him/her self. I'll continue to call myself American, and if asked, "what race are you?", I'll say either African American, or black. I simply refused to be referred to as colored.

Hopefully in my life time we can agree on a universal name. I for one choose American.

I'm out.


Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I'm pissed. I'm not sure if the story of the prominent attorney from Gulf Breeze and his "alleged" proposition to an undercover officer to have sex with her 5 year old daughter in Michigan has made national news.(Did I mention that he was willing to travel from Florida to Michigan to have sex with a 5 year old). Sigh. Anyway, he was busted.(On him they found a Dora Explorer doll,hoop earrings and petroleum jelly.
Here's the link.

While in jail, he committed suicide.(He was on suicide watch previously because he'd tried to kill himself when he'd first got into custody.)
I feel for this man's family, friends and associates. I really do. HOWEVER, I have issues with the community treating this man's death as a tragic accident, and focusing not on his crimes, but on what he's done for the community.
In my opinion, he was a disturbed monster who wanted to do unspeakable things to a 5 year old. Who, by his own admission, have done this before, and the community wants to remember his good works? Give me a F***ing break(I'm rolling my eyes).
I believe that the community should remember what kind of pervert he was so that we can be open to the fact that even respected pillars of the communities can be monsters. And start making examples rather than martyrs out of these individuals.
I'm angry because this is reflective of how our society view child predators. I'm not talking about the 18 year old having sex with his 16 year old girlfriend. I'm talking about these nasty ass pedophiles who prey on our children for sexual gratification.

I want to put a stop to them receiving suspended sentences, 4 months in jail, and other slaps on the hands when the children will always, and I mean always have to bare the scares for what these individuals have done to them. I say let the punishment fit the crime. The victim will have to suffer for life, why not the perp?
Okay. I've ranted enough.
What's your opinion?

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


So the President can find money to keep our troop in Iraq; however, it's too expensive to extend coverage for children's health care. What planet does he live on? I mean this is not just his country, he's supposed to do what is in the best interest for the American people yet 72% of the people wanted the SCHIP bill to pass both Republicans and Democrats were for this bill and Mr. This is My Country, And I Can Do What I Want To Do, Fuck Checks And Balances, Bush, decides to veto the bill. He says that it's too much government control. Hell someone needs to help the American people when health care is way too expensive and Insurance companies have gone rogue. What happens when you have a child with special needs that requires thousands and thousands of dollars worth of care each month? As Americans, don't we pay enough money to the government? Oh well. I pray that with a new president comes changes for a better. This country can't have another "I" President.
