Thursday, December 27, 2007


I'm upset and angry. Former Pakistan President Benazir Bhutto was assassinated today. She was 54 years old. I am grieving the loss of a great leader. I'll be blogging about what this may mean in the future.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Okay, anyone remotely close to me, or associated with me, knows how much I loathed(gritting my teeth, nostrils are flaring and blood boiling by just thinking about it) Holiday sweaters, especially Christmas Sweaters. WWJD? He'd probably tell everyone to burn the ghastly things.
Anyway, J2 had a concert this past weekend. Well in the audience(let me calm down and relay the story) was the creme de la creme of ugly Christmas sweaters. Ladies and gentleman, I believe that I've found the worst Xmas sweater evah!. It was a red knitted monstrosity that had, literally bells and whistles on it. No, I'm not finished. Houses, with a snow forest landscaped on the front. But just when my eyeballs couldn't take anymore, there was faux cotton blend boa, yes, I said boa, attached to the sides of the sweater. Jesus Take the wheel. Who thought that mess was cute?(I so wanted to say sh*t instead of mess)
She was a walking migraine. I was stunned, flabbergasted, and horrified. Just one more week, that's all, and they'll all be gone.

I'm out,

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I've been starting books for the past year and haven't finished one yet. I really need to complete at least one of my stories. The problem stems from being way to stress, and blogging way too much, and a busy grueling schedule doesn't help. At this stage in the game I'd rather sit my flat ass down and read someone else(Aliyah, Layne, Taige, Nathasha, Charlotte,Dakota and Nathalie)then to put in the effort writing. It's agonizing for me to sit here and pour over a story that is flowing in my mind, but now through my fingers. *sigh*

I feel lazy, uninspired, and derelict. Writing isn't a hobby for me, it's my job. Sometimes I'm afraid to do this job because it seems so much bigger than me. Right now I lack the discipline it takes to write my novels. I feel overwhelmed because I've stepped up my game. I just need to showcase my progress. I also need to sell my damned house.

I'll keep posting about my progress.


Thursday, December 06, 2007


Tis the season to reminisce. I'm realizing that I miss my friends old and new who are gone. They aren't dead, (except two of them, I placed an * by their names.)they are just away from me. I haven't seen them in a while or spoken to them and I really miss them, so in this blog, I'll do a row call for my homies:

Terrial Fair
Nicole Lafontaine
Tamika Fair
Freya Chester
Kenitra Keeney
Julia Martin
Jocelyn White
Johnnie Walker
Katricia Carter
Nicole Dixon
Sylvia Sales and Sam
Jose Campo
Jim Allen
Izola Singleton
Terry Todd
Yank Kennedy*
The Baker Sisters Monica and Ericca
Royce Todd
Jerry Smith
Judy Reid
Lakeitha Taylor
Leslie Collazo
Earl Lewis
Glenda Neal
Sonja Cline
Retha Scott

I miss you,

Friday, November 30, 2007

Simply Irresistible Authors

Join authors Aliyah Burke, Layne Blacque, L.T. Rashard, Nathasha Brooks-Harris, and Taige Crenshaw at our new group site Simply Irresistible Authors launching on November 30, 2007. Sign up for our newsletter and group for the latest news about SIA authors and be instantly entered into monthly drawings for prizes ranging from books, to gift baskets and yep, fast cash.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Model Moi?

So I receive this email from this guy who found my pic on tagged. He wants my information so that I can model for him. (Yeah what evah).Who will my old ass model for? Oil of Olay. I'm saying to myself "Self. Is this guy freaking serious? People actually fall for this line?" Yeah, I'll give him my info and he comes and get my ass and I'll end up all over the Internet as a gang rape--NOT! Anyway, beware of fraud, and please don't give out your personal information to strangers, and yes that means your friends off of myspace.

BTW, if someone wants you to cash a check because they've won the lottery in some foreign country, don't do it! That too is a fraud that will leave you holding the bag. Doubt me, watch the court shows.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I Worry About Her.

I love Amy Winehouse's music. Her music is awesome, however, I am very concerned about her. She looks bad. I mean really bad. In the past I use to wonder if the crackheads on the Ave. had wealth, what would their lives be like? Now I know the answer. (Just the same)

On a lighter note, she looks like she can whoop some a**.

I'm out.

I Miss Him

I miss Dave Chappelle. I miss the Dave Chappelle show. I miss his skits and jokes. Damn. Damn. Damn. I want him back!!! Why comedy central? Why? I know that Carlos Mencina is funny; but he's no Dave Chappelle. I love that Foxworthy guy and his friends, but they're no Dave. (sigh) When will he be back? Lie to me to give me hope? I know I sound pathetic, but I'm there now. Come back Dave, Come back.

wiping away the lone tear rolling down my eye, I gotta make this blog cry. (my ode to Jay-Z)

My meltdown is now over.
I'm out.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


I'm looking at the Alltel and Cingular, who is now the new At&t. Remember when they use to be partners? Now Alltel has AT&T messed up at every opportunity in their commercials. LOL
I love it, especially the new one with the 'TK' character. They are always having AT&T yelling or injured in the commercial or consuming the brunt of the brutality of the injuries. Oh a bitter break-up for Alltel. Fun TV for me.


Wednesday, November 07, 2007


I was looking at the Tyra Banks show yesterday wishing that Naomi Campbell hosted her own talk show instead. I mean I can see it now. Instead of Naomi crying, her guest will be crying, with her lighting up a cigarette telling them to shut the hell up because they are getting on her bloody nerves.

Oh and the topics of discussion would probably differ than any other talk shows. I imagine Naomi's topic of discussions will center on important things like:
How to pass around an aged Formula 1 race car driver while in Jimmy Choo's.

Don't leave the relationship with out a yacht tip.

And How to handle your help.

I can see Kimora Lee Simmons on there as guest talking about life in the Fab lane and how she keeps from smacking a bitch.

Ms. J with his ashy lips and nappy hair showing the audience how to walk down a run way looking like a hot damned mess wearing a mu mu and some heals.

I don't see Naomi trying to council every episode with "When I was growing up" stories.
Naomi would be like "yeah darlin', cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it."(I have to throw in some Jay-Z)

The Naomi Campbell show. It holds promise.

I'm out.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


I was reading Bossip, that's where I came across a photo of Dennis Rodman in drag. No need to say anything else.



So Dog The Mullet Wearing Bounty Hunter was caught on tape calling his son's girlfriend the N* word six times, and now he wants to start his apology tour. I smell sh*t. I for one, am not surprised by his use of the N* word. He wears a mullet! I've seen the show several times, I can't see him discussing the plight of the African American experience with knowledgeable insight. He is low class, so he uses low class words. Did I mention that he wears a mullet?
I can't help believing that this smell like publicity stunt. Who gets caught accidentally/intentionally calling someone a derogatory name like that, unless he wanted to get caught? That was no Freudian slip. But then he apologizes to black people. Jesus take the wheel. I guess his mullet is in indecision. (Do I hate the N*, or do I feel sorry for black people?)
If you haven't noticed, I'm trying to type mullet at least six times in this blog to see if it's an unconscionable habit. No, I'm aware of me writing 'mullet'. I'm sure he was conscience that he was saying the N* word as well.
Here's the AP link:

I'm out,

Friday, October 26, 2007

genarlow wilson

Thank God he's free. Genarlow Wilson, the Ga. boy who was convicted of felony sex offense and was sentenced to ten years for having consensual sex with a 15year old when he was 17.(Lord Take The Wheel)Many of us heathens would be just getting out of jail if this type of malicious prosecution was the norm. I mean, don't we have enough perverted pedophiles in the community to convict rather than meddling into high school mischief that should be handled by parents, some punishment and a chasity belt? My bad they are the ones prosecuting these kids behaving badly. I wish the best for this young man. I hope he goes on with his life and fight the good fight. I don't want to see him 'making it rain' on Youtube like the Jena6 boneheads. Have you seen that clip with the Jena6 crew flashing their defense money around and flossing their jewelery for the camera. I'm rolling my eyes to the sky. I guess they think that the public was rooting for them and not the justice system. It's about them...Not! I know that I didn't want to see these boys do 20 years for jumping someone, hell I've been jumped and all the girls got was beat down individually by my big sister Lisa--Love you Elle. Any who, I was supporting equal justice, not juvenile delinquents behaving badly.

Okay, I've had my Jena6 melt down. Back to Genarlow Wilson, I wish the best for him and his family. It took a lot of courage to do what he did. (He fought the charges rather than take a plea deal from the public pretender). Here's a link to the case.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I am way too busy to read at the moments; however, there are some books out there that have me chomping at the bits. I can't wait to read them: Shadow Dance by Taige Crenshaw; Whipped by Layne Blacque, Undercover by Terri Carnis.
I can't wait to finish up my 'to do' list. Do you have any interesting reads?

L.T. Rashard
When Real Life Hits The Pages of Romance

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

SoCal is burning

Jesus, Mary and Jojo, Southern California is burning! My prayers go out to the poor people in that region. I use to be stationed out at NAVSTA, San Diego. I lived off of the I-15, near Qualcomm Statium. (Qualcomm Statium is now housing evacuees.)
It's sad because many of these people have lost everything, except their lives. (And that's the most important thing)
And thank God for the firefighters who have been up for days fighting this blaze. Their heroism is just amazing. I'll keep them and their families in my prayers.


Thursday, October 18, 2007


Lately I've been running around like a chicken with her head cut off. Why? Because I have so many things going on. I've even forgotten what day of the week it is. Seriously. And to make matters worst, I 've not been getting a lot of sleep, and when I do, I dream of my closest friends. Yesterday when I dozed off, I dreamed that Stephanie was telling me about new book contracts. And last night, I dreamed that Nikki and I was on a secret Ops. mission in the future, and Terrial was there, so she and I went shoe shopping. And all the shoes...
The significance of this is that Steph and I met at OMP(we have the same publisher).
Nikki and I met in the military.
Terrial and I met when I was 2 and she was 3.

Anyway, back to me and the day. It's Thursday, I think and I have a long to-do list. I can't wait until Friday. Sigh.


Monday, October 15, 2007

NEW WEBSITE is up and poppin'! Come and check it out!!!



So I went camping with J3(my youngest daughter) and her GS troop. Anyway, we hiked four miles to eat. Brilliant me took my diabetes medication 2 hours before we were to eat. Did I mention that I need to eat when I take this medication? Anyway, by the time I hiked up to the cafeteria, I was shaking, sweating, and ready to pass out. Thank God the nurse on duty was eating at that time. They administered a diabetic emergency kit(GS rules, they are really prepared for anything). After an hour or so, I was ready for my hike back to the closing ceremony. I spent the rest of the weekend trying to calm fluctuating sugar levels, and nursing a headache.


Thursday, October 11, 2007


Do you claim to be "black" or "African American"? I was reading a blog where the blogger says that we(black/African Americans) should stop calling ourselves African Americans and call ourselves blacks... The bloggers comment stirred something in me because I don't feel as if I should choose. I use the words interchangeably.

There are problems with both titles. For instance, what other group of people identify themselves by their color? To me, it shows a lack of origin, culture and history. But I am comfortable with identifying myself as a Black American. So because it's convenient to say, it's a keeper?

Now the title of African American holds promise; however, when I think of an African American, I think of Barack Obama, my great-grand daddy, Charlize Theron. Not Beyonce', my cousin Essie, or Sean "P-Diddy" Combs. The latter three were born and raised here in the U.S. However, they all have African Ancestors.

I guess the answer lies in how one sees him/her self. I'll continue to call myself American, and if asked, "what race are you?", I'll say either African American, or black. I simply refused to be referred to as colored.

Hopefully in my life time we can agree on a universal name. I for one choose American.

I'm out.


Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I'm pissed. I'm not sure if the story of the prominent attorney from Gulf Breeze and his "alleged" proposition to an undercover officer to have sex with her 5 year old daughter in Michigan has made national news.(Did I mention that he was willing to travel from Florida to Michigan to have sex with a 5 year old). Sigh. Anyway, he was busted.(On him they found a Dora Explorer doll,hoop earrings and petroleum jelly.
Here's the link.

While in jail, he committed suicide.(He was on suicide watch previously because he'd tried to kill himself when he'd first got into custody.)
I feel for this man's family, friends and associates. I really do. HOWEVER, I have issues with the community treating this man's death as a tragic accident, and focusing not on his crimes, but on what he's done for the community.
In my opinion, he was a disturbed monster who wanted to do unspeakable things to a 5 year old. Who, by his own admission, have done this before, and the community wants to remember his good works? Give me a F***ing break(I'm rolling my eyes).
I believe that the community should remember what kind of pervert he was so that we can be open to the fact that even respected pillars of the communities can be monsters. And start making examples rather than martyrs out of these individuals.
I'm angry because this is reflective of how our society view child predators. I'm not talking about the 18 year old having sex with his 16 year old girlfriend. I'm talking about these nasty ass pedophiles who prey on our children for sexual gratification.

I want to put a stop to them receiving suspended sentences, 4 months in jail, and other slaps on the hands when the children will always, and I mean always have to bare the scares for what these individuals have done to them. I say let the punishment fit the crime. The victim will have to suffer for life, why not the perp?
Okay. I've ranted enough.
What's your opinion?

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


So the President can find money to keep our troop in Iraq; however, it's too expensive to extend coverage for children's health care. What planet does he live on? I mean this is not just his country, he's supposed to do what is in the best interest for the American people yet 72% of the people wanted the SCHIP bill to pass both Republicans and Democrats were for this bill and Mr. This is My Country, And I Can Do What I Want To Do, Fuck Checks And Balances, Bush, decides to veto the bill. He says that it's too much government control. Hell someone needs to help the American people when health care is way too expensive and Insurance companies have gone rogue. What happens when you have a child with special needs that requires thousands and thousands of dollars worth of care each month? As Americans, don't we pay enough money to the government? Oh well. I pray that with a new president comes changes for a better. This country can't have another "I" President.


Saturday, September 22, 2007


I'm listening to Ne-Yo's song Do You. It got me wondering about ex boyfriends past. I went through the gamet of thinking of ex's, and past relationships, and realized that I had no interest in contacting any of them.(In the song, NeYo is wondering how his ex girlfriend is fairing out since she'd moved on from him.)Not I. I shrudder when thinking about my ex boyfriends, and wonder "What the hell was I thinking." Some of them were nice young men, but I wasn't exactly the nicest girlfriend.(sigh) And some of the guys that I've dated were pure a**holes. But no, I really don't wonder what happened to my ex's.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Britney Spears

So I'm looking at the A.P. pic of Britney Spears with her children and I'm wondering if she's pissed at her mom for not protecting from the the industry vultures when she was younger?
I mean, I'm a mother of 3, and I can't imagine pimping my children out for any reason, much less for the sake of show business. Parents are supposed to protect, not be part of the problem. And although I feel there is enough blame to go around where Britney is concerned, I also believe that the root of her problems stems from the greed of her love ones. I may be wrong(won't be the first time), but this is how I feel.

Holla back,

Sunday, September 09, 2007


During the hurricane seasons, many people asked FEMA for help. They had to disclose a lot of personal information about their lives which FEMA vowed to keep private. Well, people are getting apology letters in the mail stating that FEMA is sorry but due to a court order, they have to release individual names and addresses to the public. They acknowledge that they'd gone against the original agreement,but court order says that they must comply and make public the information requested.
Good luck to all of the people whose information is now made public.

Many people who maybe reading this post, may not understand the ramification of it all. You see, sometimes hurricanes are devastating. You are without anything for days, weeks, months, and in New Orleans case, years. No food, water, electricity. FEMA, is a life line to helping you get back on track. And it's not free money, because it's something that must be paid back. It's an agreement of sorts. You fill out the application and they help you where you need it most. The paper work includes the statement that all of your information will be kept private. That is no longer the case. Now FEMA will fork over your information. And we are supposed to trust our govt.? I really don't. Oh and I am sure that this breech of privacy isn't limited to hurricane victims. I'm sure it'll affect all natural disaster victims.

Friday, August 31, 2007


So I'm looking at the news and they are reporting that a woman may have died because a 10 month old camel tried to rape her. I was shocked! So shocked that I had to tell someone.
So I call up Layne Blacque to tell her what had happened, and of course, she topped me one.(She's a TV buff) She had a story about a 2 year old baby who was sexually assulted by a dog. I had to google the story and sure enough, there were several articles about it. Damn.

Here are the links to the stories:

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I've been in pain and sick for a while and if it hadn't been for the concern of others, who knows how bad things would have gotten. Right now I am taking several different medications(the kind that makes me sleep all day and feel good when I'm not sleeping) for everthing from muscle spasms to diabetes and it seems like everything in between. I had been complaining about feeling bad since the end of July(I swore it was my Mother in Law's cooking, you know she uses pork in everything and I don't eat pork etc...) Anyway, it was more serious than that. My hubby and friends insisted that I go to see the doctor and it was more serious than I had thought. Thanks to everyone who encouraged me to seek out treatment. Oh and you too Elle for reminding me that Aleve mask the pain, not cure it.


Thursday, August 23, 2007


The other day the family and I went to TGIF and saw Justin Gatlin on a date. While in the middle of the date, the two was interrupted by a man who preceded to sit himself at the table with the pair. Boy did JG look pissed, and his date seemed politely, but a bit disconcerted by the intruder(the unwelcome guest obviously knew JG)
This went on for at least 15 minutes and then JG and his date, along with the man, got up to leave(mind you, their food was only half eaten). JG looked over at my hubby, closed his eye and shook his head. My hubby gave him a sympathetic smile and nodded. JG and the woman then left the restaurant.
Is it right to bombard celebrities whenever it's convenient for us? I don't think so. I mean, come on, this was Justin Gatlin, I can't imagine how Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie does it. And why do people feel as if they have an inalienable right to intrude on a star outside of RedCarpet events?

This has to get tiring quick.
Ohh, btw, if I were to see Tyrese anywhere, it's my right to mob him because he is just that fine. He's the exception to the rule.

Also, the death of Eddie Griffin on Friday may have been a suicide.
It's hard to ram your vehicle into a moving train and it be an accident. So sad. People around him says that he may have suffered from depression.
So, who's around when the famous flips out? I mean who was surprised at Anna Nicole taking her own life? Lindsey and Britney are a train wreck waiting to happen, as is Rod Stewarts' son; oh and DMX. Lord help him. I guess it doesn't pay to have an entourage. I mean, with all these people around them, no one's the voice of reason?
Hell, if I'm feeling pissy and out of place, I have plenty of people to call me out on it. If I'm sick or feeling isolated, I have people who will surround me and let me know that it's going to be okay. I have people who genuinely love me.
I guess it doesn't pay to be famous if you can't get even one person to have your back.

Friday, August 17, 2007


I was watching "So You Think You Can Dance", and I almost did a double take. I thought Jennifer Love Hewitt had on an afro dancing across the stage(with a great tan). But no, it's Sabra. A real celeb look alike.


Saturday, August 11, 2007


So I've released my book For The Love of Kira, previously released at OMP, as a free read on my loop. It's African American, both hero and heroine. The story doesn't feature the hero as a shape shifter, or an asshole, or a slave, or a gay best friend. He's just a good man. I've noticed that a few in ebook land, black men are hardly seen, or if so, they are type cast. So I wonder... Why are black men demonized, emasculated, and villainized in ebook land? (I happen to love black men myself.)
Just a question.
Anyone can respond to me on blog, or off. And you don't have to be PC about it. Just be respectful, please.


Friday, August 10, 2007


I love talking with Layne Blacque. She's my bff and I love... I mean Love... quoting her, especially in books. (too bad I spend a long time explaining to the power's that be, the dialogue in my books)

So I'll compose a few words and quotes that are simply Layne.
"Lord how mercy"
"Rolled up out of bed and decided to..."
"Sh*t out a..."
"Squat out a..."
"Dilapidated and broke down."
"She ain't whipping my ass, sh*t."
"I'm having a melt down"
"And I dare her to bless my mutha f*cking heart."
"You can't argue with crazy. Crazy always wins."
"Anyone willing to take a bone is willing to carry a bone, or some sh*t like that."
"Must Layne Blacque smack a bitch?"
"She opened her mouth and the whole projects fell out."

Yes, she and I have some colorful conversations. Some of my heroines are based on her, so blame her.



With my current book soon to be released, I've had time to look at the news. Fighting of some sorts is running ramped. This past week I've witnessed everyone from Britney Spears to Paula Abdul in some sort of altercation.(physical or verbal) BTW Rosie, don't sleep on Paula, she had to fight all through school. She's little and high. She'll whip your ass in person, I think.
However, fighting isn't limited to television. I've noticed some heated arguments going on right here on the web.
My favorites are the bloggers, especially the ones fighting over a man.
Hey, I have to get my entertainment where ever I can.


Thursday, August 09, 2007


Okay, I have to give a shot out to my bff for this story. Love it!!!
It's called Breaking Becky, coming to Liquid Silver Book Aug.13. A must buy.

Becky Dommer is a stunning young woman willing to sleep her way into one of the world's oldest professions: trophy wife. But the rich doctor she charms into her bed is too devoted to his reputation—and wife of twenty-seven years—to ever consider helping her live out her dream.

Frustration leads her back into the arms of Jake Sawyer, the man she dumped to woo Dr. Unavailable. But when Jake, a normally easygoing and cool type, decides to take matters—and a very stubborn Becky—into his own hands, the once money-hungry vixen learns to submit to love. She learns to submit to everything...

This next author always deliver the steam!!!
Onyx Moon Rising by Taige Crenshaw. Available at Liquid Silver Books

Legends are born to face a task that will define the world. How they come out of it will resound for all time...

Tashana Rennix is used to being in charge of her own destiny. As a Nefer Investigation Force Agent, more importantly a Nefer Guardian, she makes decisions on a daily basis that affect the balance between life and death. Now faced with a challenge that will test all her abilities, she must fight to save the world, her soul and her life.

Sanjay Callens, a shadow dragon is part of the elite Marltes- dragon warriors. No one will stand in his way as he retrieves the stolen artifacts that were taken from the dragon home world. Being paired with a Nefer Agent who is reckless and a loner is not in his plan. Yet the Onyx Moon has chosen her and he must work with her to save all that he holds dear. All that he believes. For a man accustomed to control and order it will be a challenge. A challenge that is complicated by his desire to claim the warrior woman as his own.

There is an Onyx Moon Rising and the wind whispers that death is coming...


Jinger With A "J" will becoming out on Aug.14th. My Loose Id editor has worked her magic, and a special shot out to the line editor and proofers, for making the story better.
Also, don't forget Jinger's diary. See how it all began:http:

I’ve desired another man’s wife everyday for two years. I am no better than David when he coveted Bathsheba. Being in such lust, I understand how his desire grew to commit the ultimate act of sin. I too have felt that need to set aside reason for carnal urges…for love, and I won’t let anything, including her stubborn pride, a desperate ex husband, or even a great job opportunity, get in the way of me having her.

Martin Constantine wants me. Wow! I want him too. I want him in my bed. I want him as my friend. I want him as my co-worker. I just don’t want to love him. I’ve made it through a marriage that left me devastated, and I didn’t care nearly for my ex-husband the way that I care for Martin. To lose my heart to Martin would be dangerous. If he were to leave me, the results would be catastrophic.
~Playing for keeps have never been this erotic~

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


So a fellow author and I are talking about the industry in general. You know the 'pros and cons' of the epub business. I brought up the fact that sometimes the industry bring out their 'clan' hat when dealing with black authors. She reminded me that its not just black authors that are getting discriminated against, but also authors of other races,especially when dealing with a niche company.i.e. We know of a company who treated the white authors horribly.
The author friend with whom I was speaking with says that at certain companies, she was treated less than the redheaded step child, she was treated like an "orphan who was only adopted to collect well fare and food stamps. 'No, not like Angelina Jolie and Madonna adopting helpless children, I felt like Gary Coleman with my parents pushing me on the stage making me say "Whatcha Talkin' Bout Willis'."Kind of orphan.
But despite the really bad experiences, she and I have landed in some great companies. Thank God for that.


Friday, July 20, 2007


I've just received the cover art for my latest book. I rejected it! Besides having a naked guy on the cover,(I hate naked man titty on my covers) I also received that girl who is on every AA/IR ebook cover.(sigh)
Is it hard to find a black woman in stock photos?
Yes, I'm sure some will argue that maybe there are only a few black women; but come on, we as black people come in many different shades and colors.

I was speaking with Layne Blacque about this, and she was telling me about her bad cover art experience. We've come to conclusion that we won't stop being picky. We put a lot of work into our books, and pride ourselves on being unique. We want the cover of our books to reflect these expectations.


Friday, June 15, 2007


I'm having a near melt down at the thought of my daughter going to high school next year. For most parents, that concept alone is frightening. Add to that, my daughter is autistic; and I have to say, I am a wreck! Yes, I have faith, but to be honest, when I think about all of the things that can go wrong, my faith is tested, and hope seems to flee. I am a bag of nerves trying to train my children on 'what if' scenario's. I'll admit, the thought of a gunman walking around shooting students have my insides turned. I am not sleeping well at night.
On top of that, I've been avoiding the Dr. since my sugar is sky high.(I'm diabetic)

So, I was taught to pray. And I will. Having faith in God: I must have. And trying to hold on to sanity while dealing with transition: My goal.
I really need to be more like my husband. He worries only about the things he can change and leaves the rest up to the Man Upstairs. I guess praying the Serenity prayer all these years really works(he needed some sort of guidance being married to me). I'll start tomorrow. Actually, it's 2:00am, so I'll start tonight.

I'm out,

Thursday, June 14, 2007


So tonight I'm talking with a friend. Actually, we were gossiping. And you should have heard me slinging mud all over the place(thank God you hadn't). Looking back, I can't believe how arrogant and harsh I was. But then again my own back door is mighty filthy, so it's easy to pass judgement on others. I am stressed as hell about my books. I'm starting a new chapter in my life as far as careers goes, and preparing for next year is a bitch! Mostly, I'm afraid. I'm afraid of the changes that are in store for my family and myself, and for the changes going on in our lives. So rather get fixated on what's going on what's eating me up, I gossiped like a gossipmonger. Shame on me. Next time I'm feeling the stress, I'll not gossip. I'll clean up my own back door.

I'm out,

Monday, May 28, 2007


I was talking to my daughter, who happened across my myspace website. She hated the pic on there, and I understand why. But I have to be honest. I felt kinda creepy being on a site where my daughter and her friends frequent. It kind of felt like going to the club with you tween. Yuck!

So I thought about getting rid of my myspace journal, since I hardly ever use it. But then I realize that my daughter also have a blogspot account and a bravenet account too, so I'll just chill out and get used to the fact that I'll be sharing cyberspace with my tweens.



I've found the inspiration to blog today. I have way too many blogs to keep up with, and the fact that I'm a lazy blogger doesn't help.
I've recently turned 33. I still feel the same as I did when I was 32, no surprise there, I guess. 3J's recently graduated.(they're my girls, ages: 13, 7, and 10).
I've been reflecting back over the years. The family and I have gone through so many ups and downs in such a short period of time. I'm proud of the fact that we are all fighters, and have come out stronger for every hardship and obstacle we've gone through. We were young, (my hubby, me and the 3J's)but we are warriors. Giving up isn't an option.

Enough about me, let's move on to a subject near and dear to my heart: Iraq.
No, I won't pass an opinion on whether or not we should or should not be there. I am more concerned about our troops that are coming back to failing businesses, no jobs, and broken homes. My first thought is primarily reflected to the Reservist. There isn't any safe guard to help these men and women who are putting their lives on the line, to keep their businesses safe while they are deployed. What can we do to protect these hero's and heroines lively hood?

Also, how can we keep the family unit intact when our service members are not coming back home the way they've left? They have been apart of war. Most if not all, are broken in some way. How can we restore, and rebuild these individuals and their families?
Holla at me


Thursday, May 24, 2007


My girls graduated this week. 1st grade, 5th grade and 8th grade. With honors!!! I am such a proud Momma.
So Congrats to all of the Graduates. May God bless you all.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007


(Nov. 17,1955-May 15, 2007)
Yesterday Yolanda King died. She was an activist, leader, speaker, and some times she was an actress. She carried on the legacy of her great parents' work with pride. She will really be missed.

Friday, May 11, 2007


Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, April 20, 2007


I have writer's block like a MoFo! I'm suprised that I can type on this blog.
Maybe it's due to stress(I am really stressed out). I don't know. But right now I am drawing a blank. I feel impatient, and unmotivated.
Ever get the feeling that the world is on hyper speed and you're functioning on in slow motion? That's how I feel right now.

I'll be reporting my progress soon.

I'm out,

Friday, April 06, 2007


I looked up this morning and saw that Sanjaya is still going strong. Wow. You really don't have to be talented to be a pop star in America.



I haven't been blogging very much lately. Mostly since I haven't had anything good to say. And you know what they say "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all..."(silence)


Sunday, March 18, 2007


I am getting my website done. I know that it may not seem like a big deal, but to some authors, it's like air.
Anyway, the woman that is doing the site is amazing! She's really captured me in this site. She's a true artist and I feel blessed to have her doing my site for me. We were on the phone all night (dedication)and God bless her, she has impressed me to no end.
So I want to take this time out to thank my webmistress.
The site is not done yet, but I am really happy with it.


Thursday, March 15, 2007


Okay, they have just found the body of a 6year old boy in Ga. The little boy was assaulted by a sex offender who had been off of the radar for years.
I am soooo tired of these bastards sex offenders getting a slap on the wrist by incompetent judges, spineless prosecutors, and heartless defense attorneys willing to turn a blind eye to their crimes. They don't get it!!! All bets are off when it comes down to our children being victimized by these animals. These aren't your run of the mill deviant criminals. These are predators of the worst kind. Worst than killers, worst than thieves, worst than drug dealers. These predators want to inflict mental, emotional, and physical damage to others; while gradifying their sexual urges. Children are especially vulnerable to predators. I am wondering why these judges are acting like a**holes? Are they perverts themselves who will sympathize with their fellow perv? I wonder. Or are they so comfortable that there are no pedophiles in their neighborhood that they don't care about what happens in our?
As Americans, we can know whom we elect into office. The judges position is an elected position, so that means that we can boot their butts out of office if need be.
Know the issues and the judges track records.


Monday, February 26, 2007


Jinger will be available for free to the readers in my loop.

Check out her blog. She's bananas.



Okay. Anna Nicole's body is decomposing so rapidly that the coroner believes that she may have to have a closed casket. So sad. I may not have known Anna Nicole personally, but I'm sure that the last thing she'd want, was a closed casket funeral.
Speaking of funerals, is James Brown off of tour yet? Come on people, it's been 2 months already(he died Dec.25), please bury the man.
Ohh and how is it that James Brown can be on tour around the country, chill out at his estate, everywhere, and not decompose, but Anna Nicole has been on ice for two weeks and she's been decomposing at a rapid rate(according to Court TV)? Have they not em bombed her for DNA reasons? Why not get her DNA first and then em bomb her. They'll have to drain her blood anyway.keep it on file for future use? What's the delay people??? Sheesh.

I'm outta here.


Friday, February 16, 2007


I'm suspious of Howard K. Stern. He just seems so slimy to me. I wouldn't be surprised if he ushered Anna Nicole's demise. But this is all speculation and just my opinion. Saying all of that, I do believe that he should gain control of the body. I believe that he will adhear to Anna's wishes. He'll most likely bury her next to her son. I believe that he may be the best person for the baby too.(And I think he did it.) That doesn't say a lot about the other players in this circus. It's a sad situation. Oh and did you see the judge? He's caught on tape referring to Anna Nicole's body as "That baby" and saying "It's my body"? OMG that man is another slimy s.o.b. It's just sad.



So, many of you know that I'm with out a publishing company. No worries, I have plans in motions to rectify this problem. I'm working on Jinger With A "J". I'm editing it now, it's over 25k and I still have so much to say. I'll be offering it as a free read to readers who want a copy.(You know the rules, must be 18 years and older, and a member of my yahoogroup.
I'm also working on a number of projects. Passing Fancy(bw/lm), Making Love Count(bw/wm), Taming Nyderiah's Sheik(bw/am). I'm also reediting The Price of Love, and extending For The Love of Kira(In addition to an extension it also gets a name change). I'll have some short stories too. You'll see Darian and Sandy again, and a few more surprises this year. I'll keep you all updated on where you can find these titles.

Also, I'll be working on a new site. Time for a change.
I'll holla back at ya later.
Hope you all had a Happy Valentine.


Thursday, February 08, 2007

I am awe! I can't believe that Anna Nicole has left us so soon. I'm not in shock, but I still can't believe it. Wow. She will surely be missed. So, anyone knows for sure about what happened?
Shhh. I am sooooo suspicious of Howard K. Stern.


Monday, February 05, 2007


This is hard core fatal attraction mess. Lisa Nowark, 43 years old, drove over 900 hundred miles, to kidnap some woman who she thought was messing with her man. Problem is, the man in question, wasn't hers.(Hit it and quit it I'm guessing)
This woman is an astronaut ya'll. I guess driving over 900miles when you've flown over 2million AU isn't nothing. Oh and this chick was serious. She wore a diaper so that she wouldn't have to make pit stops! BTW. Did I mention that she had a husband and 3. I repeat: 3 children.
And I thought Martha Stewart was hard. Hell, this is some Jack Bauer stuff.
Here's a link to the entire article:

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Robin Thicke and Justin Timberlake are two strong vocalist. Who do you think has the best falsetto voice. I personally love Robin Thicke, but Justin can blow too. So for me it's a dead tie.



In 1913, Rosa Parks was born in Tuskegee, Alabama

Thursday, February 01, 2007


On this day in history, Langston Hughes was born in 1902.

Friday, January 26, 2007


Just a reminder. My books are not available at OMP anymore. I'll keep you updated later.


I was told that OMP was closing, but they are going to stay open (under new management)due to fans overwhelming love and support.


Thursday, January 25, 2007


Some Asshole has logged into my hotmail account. So if you get an email from, it's not from me. What a fucking cunt.


Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I was reading this article in the AP. This 29 year old pedophile enrolled into middle school as a 12 year old student. And if this isn't weird enough. The perp was living with two male child molesters who he met online. They were angry when they found out that the perp was 29, and not 12. Ain't that some shit.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Angelina Jolie is playing the role of Mariane van Neyenhoff, Daniel Parl's wife. Okay. I understand that Angelina is a box office sure bet, but she's playing Mariane van Neyenhoff. I would understand this decision if Angelina Jolie looked like Marine. She doesn't. Not to me anyway. I can understand if Angelina was African American/Black. She's not. I could even understand if Jolie were Hispanic. No dice. Hell, Angelina could even be Jewish and I'd understand. But Angelina Jolie is not. She doesn't look like this woman. So why is Jolie playing a black woman? I know of other actresses who would have made a better choice: I have few suggestions:
This is Angelina Jolie:

This is the real Mariane Pearl

My top picks:

Okay, so I added my pic for fun.

Don't be surprised if Jon Voight plays Martin Luther King.


James Brown isn't even in the grave good(and I am not commenting on how long it took for his family to bury him.)and Tomi Rae Hynie is acting like a damned fool. This chick is putting her son by James Brown, in the front of the camera begging. Bitch get a clue. Whoops! I didn't mean to say that, I've tapped into my inner Jinger.
Anyway. I have a problem with a woman willing to exploit her 5 year old for any reason.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I love American Idol auditions. I've never laughed sooo hard for so long. Simon is funny with his Frankenstein hair cut; he had me laughing at his facial expressions. Paula. She's dopped up out of her mind. Bless her heart. Randy has gained 90% of his weight back. Who's surprised? Jewel is a refreshing addition. She never laughs at these fools.
But the contestants. They are priceless. The juggler. OMG. How funny is he.(parents, he's the reason why you shouldn't lie to your kids about their talents). Ohhh the Lion woman. She was funny. If I only had a voice....

Who's your favorite contestant?


Monday, January 15, 2007


I want to take this time to pay my respects to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Had it not been for him, many of us wouldn't have the opportunities that we have today. His sacrifices led to opportunities for every race, sex, and religion, and we as a nation was blessed to have him.

Happy Birthday Martin Luther King.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Last Nov.(2005)I blogged about my Mushroom gut. You know, the kind of gut that laps over your jeans, giving the illusion of a mushroom affect. Well, a year, and some change later, I no longer have a mushroom gut. I've lost over 30lbs. yeah!!! I am happier and healthier. Thank God.

I'll keep you all updated next year on my weight.


Thursday, January 04, 2007


I really like this blog. Check it out.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I saw this story at Layne Blacque's site. It's called The Scrounge. It's about two saleman who are in the same business. One of the salesman wants to reach success of honestly. The other man wants to achieve success on the labor's of the other man's back. I've linked to the site.
Read it. Holla back if you want to tell your story of a scrounge that you know of.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Did observers really see a space ship at O'Hare? I don't know, but it seems as if the FAA is trying to shut this theory down real quick. (Makes me suspicious when the Federal Govt. interferes in anything)

So I'm thinking, what if we aren't alone in this vast Universe. If we're alone, that's nice, but far be it of me to assume that the Big Man upstairs just made us.
Anyways, I can't wait to see how all of this unfolds.
