Monday, May 28, 2007


I was talking to my daughter, who happened across my myspace website. She hated the pic on there, and I understand why. But I have to be honest. I felt kinda creepy being on a site where my daughter and her friends frequent. It kind of felt like going to the club with you tween. Yuck!

So I thought about getting rid of my myspace journal, since I hardly ever use it. But then I realize that my daughter also have a blogspot account and a bravenet account too, so I'll just chill out and get used to the fact that I'll be sharing cyberspace with my tweens.



I've found the inspiration to blog today. I have way too many blogs to keep up with, and the fact that I'm a lazy blogger doesn't help.
I've recently turned 33. I still feel the same as I did when I was 32, no surprise there, I guess. 3J's recently graduated.(they're my girls, ages: 13, 7, and 10).
I've been reflecting back over the years. The family and I have gone through so many ups and downs in such a short period of time. I'm proud of the fact that we are all fighters, and have come out stronger for every hardship and obstacle we've gone through. We were young, (my hubby, me and the 3J's)but we are warriors. Giving up isn't an option.

Enough about me, let's move on to a subject near and dear to my heart: Iraq.
No, I won't pass an opinion on whether or not we should or should not be there. I am more concerned about our troops that are coming back to failing businesses, no jobs, and broken homes. My first thought is primarily reflected to the Reservist. There isn't any safe guard to help these men and women who are putting their lives on the line, to keep their businesses safe while they are deployed. What can we do to protect these hero's and heroines lively hood?

Also, how can we keep the family unit intact when our service members are not coming back home the way they've left? They have been apart of war. Most if not all, are broken in some way. How can we restore, and rebuild these individuals and their families?
Holla at me


Thursday, May 24, 2007


My girls graduated this week. 1st grade, 5th grade and 8th grade. With honors!!! I am such a proud Momma.
So Congrats to all of the Graduates. May God bless you all.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007


(Nov. 17,1955-May 15, 2007)
Yesterday Yolanda King died. She was an activist, leader, speaker, and some times she was an actress. She carried on the legacy of her great parents' work with pride. She will really be missed.

Friday, May 11, 2007


Happy Mother's Day!