Saturday, September 22, 2007


I'm listening to Ne-Yo's song Do You. It got me wondering about ex boyfriends past. I went through the gamet of thinking of ex's, and past relationships, and realized that I had no interest in contacting any of them.(In the song, NeYo is wondering how his ex girlfriend is fairing out since she'd moved on from him.)Not I. I shrudder when thinking about my ex boyfriends, and wonder "What the hell was I thinking." Some of them were nice young men, but I wasn't exactly the nicest girlfriend.(sigh) And some of the guys that I've dated were pure a**holes. But no, I really don't wonder what happened to my ex's.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Britney Spears

So I'm looking at the A.P. pic of Britney Spears with her children and I'm wondering if she's pissed at her mom for not protecting from the the industry vultures when she was younger?
I mean, I'm a mother of 3, and I can't imagine pimping my children out for any reason, much less for the sake of show business. Parents are supposed to protect, not be part of the problem. And although I feel there is enough blame to go around where Britney is concerned, I also believe that the root of her problems stems from the greed of her love ones. I may be wrong(won't be the first time), but this is how I feel.

Holla back,

Sunday, September 09, 2007


During the hurricane seasons, many people asked FEMA for help. They had to disclose a lot of personal information about their lives which FEMA vowed to keep private. Well, people are getting apology letters in the mail stating that FEMA is sorry but due to a court order, they have to release individual names and addresses to the public. They acknowledge that they'd gone against the original agreement,but court order says that they must comply and make public the information requested.
Good luck to all of the people whose information is now made public.

Many people who maybe reading this post, may not understand the ramification of it all. You see, sometimes hurricanes are devastating. You are without anything for days, weeks, months, and in New Orleans case, years. No food, water, electricity. FEMA, is a life line to helping you get back on track. And it's not free money, because it's something that must be paid back. It's an agreement of sorts. You fill out the application and they help you where you need it most. The paper work includes the statement that all of your information will be kept private. That is no longer the case. Now FEMA will fork over your information. And we are supposed to trust our govt.? I really don't. Oh and I am sure that this breech of privacy isn't limited to hurricane victims. I'm sure it'll affect all natural disaster victims.