Friday, December 30, 2005


As the 2005 year closes and the 2006 period begins, please remember to be safe. Don't do anything stupid like drink or do drugs and drive. It's not just your life that you are gambling with when you act irresponsibly; you are risking the lives of many. Be safe, and God bless.
Happy Holidays


Monday, December 26, 2005


As we enter the New Year, I want to honor the brave men and women, making historical changes in Iraq, and serving abroad. Whether its our service men and women; missionaries; or doctors, if you have a loved one overseas making a difference, please contact me: I want to add him or her to the list. Of my honorable heros.


Heros List:

Barry Rashard
Tamika Rashard
Omar Chester
Terry Todd
Mandrell Atchison
Keith Hayes
Randolph Byrd

Friday, December 23, 2005


I've recently been criticized for my characters and the type of stories that I write. (I'm only on book 2 and already shit is happening).Ladies and gentlemen, I don't do fluff. I have on my website: When Real Life Hits The Pages of Romance. That means that you won't always see a hunky dory journey, because I've been in love with the same man for over twelve years, and although I am in paradise, it hasn't been neither hunky nor dory. Do you get my meaning? I love him and he loves me. We have a healthy relationship, but sometimes I imagine myself running him over in my minivan. And he's admitted to sometimes fantasizing about karate chopping me in the throat. It's just a passing thought that neither one of us would ever act on, but we do sometimes drive one another crazy.(Please do not mistake this for any type of violence, because the first time the Mr. ever lays his hand on me, he'll find himself in jail w/ Bubba, sans hand) And profanity is hardly ever used, but we do hash out our differences.
I relay different, non violent, types of behavior into my books. I'm not one to shy away from things that I find passionate, and sometimes, most of the time, it seeps into my writing. I want to thank the people who will support my writing style, I hope that they enjoy my stories as much as I love writing them, and if you don't like my stories, then that's cool, their is a lot of authors out there who can cater to your needs.


Monday, December 19, 2005


Hey there,
Darian's Christmas Promise is now available on Ocean's Mist Press. I a so excited! Coming soon, interviews with some of your favorite authors.


Saturday, December 17, 2005

Hey there Everyone,
I am looking for a name for the Pixie on my website:
You can email me with your suggestions or post a comment at the bottom of the blog., or email me at


In regards to Pixie X, besides being the sexiest pixiein the forest, she is also in line to be "Keeper of the Knowledge."She's very smart and loves anything comedic. Caretaker of history bothhuman and subspecies, Pixie X is diligent in her pursuits ofknowledge. At only 99 years old, she is still single and happy. She'san avid sportspixie, as-well-as a volunteer for K-5 in pixiecare.She's looking for a human name so that she can become the youngestKeeper in the forest's history. Yes, my Pixie X is ambitious, howevershe has the know how to back it up.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Jinger has done another extraordinary job on my book cover!
Darian's Christmas Promis comes to Ocean's Mist Press Dec. 19th
Jinger has also done the cover for The Price of Love. I love her work.

Monday, December 12, 2005


My heart is sadden at the fact that Stephanie Saint Blacque, writer extraordionair, is retiring her erotic romance pen. I have had the chance to read books, excerpts and coming soon, and the woman is
F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S-!!! I will truly miss her neurotic heroines, and fine as hell heros, but most of all, I'll miss the emotion that she brings to life with every sentence she writes.
On the flip side of things, my tweeners gain an excellent writer in which ever name Stephanie chooses to use for her young adult novels. So from the death of a Saint, there will emerge the rise of a star. Congrats, Ms. Stephanie you'll do well no matter where you are.



Today, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger refused to spare the life of Stanley 'tookie' Williams, cofounder of the notorious gang The Crips, and convicted murder.
The nation is divided over whether or not he should be executed for his crimes because he has shown an incredible change over the years. I will not to influence readers on whether or not he should live or die, because after all, it is in God's hands, not Gov. Schwarzenegger's when his time will expire. I just hope that whatever happens, this nation can band together and heal, rather than let this decision act as a catalyst to divide us as a nation even further apart.
Also, I want to pray for everyone involved in this landmark decision. No matter which side of the fence you're on, it still hurts.

God bless,

Friday, December 09, 2005


As this year come to a close, I want to recognize all of the single parents out there holding down the fort, while doing the 'damned thing'. I admire you. One story I want to mention, is a good friend of mine, SexyF., Sexy is a single mom of three sweet children, she works, and goes to school. Life's road hasn't been easy for her, but she's taking care of business. I am so proud of her and her accomplishments, keep up the great work.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Hi everyone. I wanted to take this time to plug my new book and my website: Darian's Christmas Promise is coming December 19th to Ocean's Mist Press!!! It answers the long time question of whether or not friends can become lovers successfully. Don't forget the other incredible books out at OMP. Have a happy Holiday, and stay tuned.
The Price of Love will be out Jan. 9th at OMP.

Congrats Neomi, Anisa, and Nia for your successful reviews!

Happy Birthday this month goes out to:
DREK--MARDRICE(yes, he really does exist)

Also, much love to my brothers on lock down

Coming Soon, Interview with Cover Artist extraodinare, Ginger, so if you have any questions you wish for me to ask her about the 'how to's' email me at:


Saturday, December 03, 2005


...So the local radio station is trying to raise money for Katrina victims so that they can have a good Christmas is in affect. We live in the Gulf Coast and we have a lot of displaced Katrina victims who are trying to get themselves situated. Anyway, the radio station got their hands on a guitar by someone famous(I don't have a clue as to who this person is), however, the radio station were to auction off this guitar to raise money to buy gifts for children who are victims of hurricane Katrina when a bidding war started. This woman pledge $65,000 claiming some sad story about losing her child and wanting to do something for the Katrina victims, well, the woman lied! I am furious that a person could be so mean spirited! Ohhh you are in big time trouble with the man upstairs come judgement day missy!

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I've been asked to republish this post and tis the season for it:

I love Christmas as much as the next person, however, I am sporting the remnants of a migraines due to some woman's loud home made European Red heavily decorated Christmas sweater with matching stretch pants!!! This ladies shirt was a work of art, in a bad sense. She had Xmas trees, and holly; mistletoe and reindeer, and you think that because the shirt was full, she would stop there? No, she went to the stretch pants and put on some snowflakes and Santa. Xmas lights and Mrs. Clause was the only this missing. It was ugly, tasteless and harmful to my eyes. I immediately got a headache.
So if you are that individual who feels the need to flaunt the decorative shirt, sweater, or pants...Don't. It's ugly, tacky and harmful to others.
If someone gives you this item to you as a present, they hate you and is probably plotting your demise.
If your favorite store sells this crap, exit smartly and never go back there for your clothing needs.
If you make this junk, drop the beadazzler, glue gun, and glitter. Move away from your crafts table, and take up pottery.

Thank you.


"Singapore hanged young Australian drug smuggler Tuong Van Nguyen at 6 a.m. Friday (2200 GMT Thursday), despite widespread condemnation in Australia", reports AP news. I am normally not one to try and tell a country what to do, however, doesn't seem to be a bit barbaric to hang an individual for smuggling a small amount of drugs OUT of the country??? WTF?
And travelers, it would behoove you to know the country you're traveling to before you arrive there. Know the rules and regulations, and penalties for breaking the laws. Govt. holds no clout in other countries, so your ass is grass if you get caught w/ your hands in the cookie jar.

Hey Singapore, have a freaking heart. Stop killing people for petty crimes!