Monday, December 12, 2005


My heart is sadden at the fact that Stephanie Saint Blacque, writer extraordionair, is retiring her erotic romance pen. I have had the chance to read books, excerpts and coming soon, and the woman is
F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S-!!! I will truly miss her neurotic heroines, and fine as hell heros, but most of all, I'll miss the emotion that she brings to life with every sentence she writes.
On the flip side of things, my tweeners gain an excellent writer in which ever name Stephanie chooses to use for her young adult novels. So from the death of a Saint, there will emerge the rise of a star. Congrats, Ms. Stephanie you'll do well no matter where you are.



Anonymous said...

Why will she stop writing erotics. Has she given a reason? In any event, I'm sure she'll be successful in all her endeavors.


Anonymous said...

Never mind. I just read her blog and see her reasons. Yup. She'll do good at whatever she wants to do.


ME said...

Hey Paz, I am sure that our Saint will do well in her nitch. We'll keep her in our prayers.

Layne Blacque said...

Thanks, Lea. I'll always be here.