Wednesday, April 02, 2008


April is Autism Month! This month is important to me because my eldest daughter is Autistic and this is the month the world takes notice of these special children. Also, important issues are brought to the fore front about this disease.

J1, is doing well. She is 14, almost 15 and is speech impaired, although she loves to tell like Christ loves the church.(go figure).

Anyway, J1 is a blessing. She loves to shop, eat, music, computers, and movies. She hates cleaning, exercising and doing homework. She has her friends, and a love for Chris Brown.
My point is, she has a life in spite of her disease. I chose not to medicate, but that was a personal decision.
And she is a straight A student. She is also an athlete(basketball, bowling, track and field, swimming, volley ball).

So I offer some comfort to parents of children with autism: Don't let the disease dictate how you raise your child(ren). There is still a little boy or girl in there. Search for him/her. Don't be afraid to get on the floor and play with your child. Don't be afraid to dream for your child. And be willing to sacrifice everything for him/her. You are your child advocate. Love and cherish your precious gift. They are worth it.

I'm out,