Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Lance Bass former member of the boy band "NSYNC" has announced that he's gay and in a good relationship. Is anyone surprised by this news? Are we as a society so far behind that individuals has to deny who they really are to appease us into buying what they are selling? I don't think so. However, I maybe wrong about this, because I am one of these individuals who believe that racism still exits in America and especially in the world.
But Whoo is me. Good luck Lance, I hope the best for ya.


Monday, July 10, 2006


My contest is now closed, however, I want to take this time to thank each individual for taking the time out to submit. Shiree McCarver is our winner.Congrats Ree. The new name is: For The Love of Kira.
Now, my new book, Jinger with a "J" is coming soon. My favorite cover artist inspired it, so thanks Jinger. Also, instead of a Prelude to the book, I've created an online diary for Jinger which will lead up to the book.
Come and check it out.
