Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I want to take the time out and wish the following individuals a Happy Birthday, this Happy New Year:

Anisa Damien
Tamika Fair
Jaid Black
Kimberly Terry
Stephanie Saint Blacque
Earlithia Atchison
Sharlswain Atchison
Terrell Boswell
Freya Chester
Devon Rashard
*Happy Anniversary to the Rivera's*

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Okay, the L.A. Police department has to pay the family of he slain rapper Biggie Smalls, 1.1 million dollars because of evidence tampering! We all know that Sug Knight ordered the murder of Biggie via the corrupt police officers that were on his pay roll. Corruption started from the head on down to the lower levels. It makes me angry to think about the corruption that goes on in our country with law enforcement. What ever happened to "Protect and serve? I missed the memo where it says "Corrupt and Antagonize". Punk bastards!

Monday, January 16, 2006


In the world of fantasy, this writer is red hot! Her storylines are original, and you'll fall in love with her characters. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, the interview with Mrs.Shiree McCarver.

Hello Shiree, What an honor it is to interview you.

You are really sweet thank you so much. I’m honored that you chose to interview me.

I have to say, I really enjoyed Shelby and Darius's story. What made you write this story?

I wrote it because of something wonderful that happened to me during a weekend. I no longer felt like an attractive woman and I met a stranger that I shared not sex but something more rare. I shared a moment of intimacy and he made me feel treasured. It was my Waiting to Exhale moment. You know like that scene with Angela Bassett and Wesley Snipes in the hotel room.

You seem to have extensive knowledge of classical and mythological history. Did you study literature?

To be honest and I know this is awful of a writer to say, but I dislike literature for literature sake. You know reading the stuff just so you appear to be smart. I read mythology because I love history and everything about it.

How do you brainstorm?

I really don’t. I can be washing dishes, driving, watching something on TV and I always have pen and paper handy because out of the blue a scene comes to mind, then everything else follows the scene.

What is your creative process?

I start with a scene coming to my head where I actually act the part of my characters aloud; it’s like watching a soap opera. After that I start asking ‘what if?’. The next thing I know is I have a story, once I have the story I start listening to the characters and let them lead me.

Since music is a part of who you are, will we see a music reference in all of your writings?

I would like to say no, but I think so far it has been, now that I think of it. But if it happens it isn’t intentional. Its just music is such a big part of my life. I sing at the drop of a hat, it has helped me deal with hard times and seem to be something needed in my life like breathing.

Why did you choose to write fantasy?

I actually write interracial historical romances and my first book is fantasy because I needed it to be in order for me to be honest in my characterization of Selby. Selby is me in many ways and it’s hard to put yourself out there for people to judge and see in black and white. So I created a fantasy mixed with reality to ease the pain of reliving parts of my life through her. I also was able to combine my knowledge of history by making my shifters Satyrs.

What do you read?

Historical Romances of course, Paranormal, Fantasy, Horror and Fairytales…shoot anything I can get my hand on. My biggest reading library is true crime stories, I’m really interested in how the mind of the twisted works.

How long have you been writing?

Since I was eleven I started writing songs and poetry. When I turned fifteen read my first romance by the age of seventeen I wanted more books with girls like me and decided to write. So I have been writing in some form for 31 years off and on.

Who is your favorite writer?

I don’t have just one favorite because I read too much.

How much of your characters are you?

So far emotionally, all of the women have a part of me in them. Selby is 80% me. My hero’s is how I pictured My Prince would be. I have yet to meet him in the flesh.

Where do you draw your inspirations from?

Oh wow, a little bit of everywhere. Sometimes it’s something I read, parts of my life, watching TV. Mostly the characters in my head won’t shut up and I write what they tell me. (lol)

You do not shy away from explicite sex scenes. How do you keep it classy and tasteful?

First thank you, it wasn’t my intention. I suppose it comes off that way because I am not one to have sex for the sake of having sex, so I don’t do it with my main characters. I am a firm believer that sex isn’t mind blowing unless you are emotionally vested. I believe when feelings are involved the characters can be highly erotic, even freaky but you get the feeling that they are that way because they can’t get enough of each other mentally and physically.

You aren't afraid to give your opinions, so let me ask you:
How has the publishing business been to you?

I actually have not accumulated the horror stories that many authors have. I wrote a white on white historical once that was almost accepted by Avon and in the requested rewrites I ruined the story and I realized later I did it because that wasn’t the reason I started writing. So it’s been good, I sold my first two interracial books to the first publishers I sent them to.
An agent turned me down. I thought to go that route because I was confused about what I should do first. So I let the fates decide, if the agent didn’t want me, it meant I was to go the building my resume route first. She turned me down, I think she didn’t feel she could sale an interracial story and I wasn’t established enough for her to waste time on. It’s easier to sell a sure thing you know. I figured it was her loss and decided who can sale me better then me. (lol) It’s good enough for now.

Do you feel restricted?

No, I don’t feel restricted at all because I’m very open about the fact that I am not just a romance writer I am an interracial romance writer. Take it or leave it. I spent all of these years waiting for this moment in time when what I write is openly received by someone. I had no problems waiting as long as I had to. I’m not writing to impress, I’m writing to express how beautiful the world could be if we could love anyone we wanted without racial interference. You won’t find many racial motivated issues in my books. I don’t need it to move my storylines, they have too much other stuff going on.

What about stereotyped? Do you feel like you are stereotyped?

What about it? I don’t think I have ever personally felt stereotyped. I’m too outspoken and outgoing to allow myself to be bagged and labeled. I have been denied more opportunities because I was overweight then I have because I was black. Twice I was denied my dream of performing and both times it was because I wanted to sing Country music. I was told they couldn’t sell a black woman in Nashville, guess they were right because they still don’t have one and that was 20 years ago when I was told that. I feel stereotyping is an issue of the beholder, not mine.

Look into the future for a minute.
Where is the E-Pub business in your opinion?

I remember a time when paperbacks were considered dime story entertainment, you didn’t read them in public and no real novelist would dare write such smut. Hardcover was the only true form of a true author. That is one of the reasons for Alias names of authors. The money was in the dime store smut, but they didn’t want their peers finding out and it ruined their reputations. That was also a time were only men were allowed to write, or so it appeared females wrote under masculine names.

So see how time changes all things. I see E-Pub being the next paperback smut peddler, it will be highly praised as being successful in the future. Yes we still love holding our books. But what about Generation X? They have computer disc School textbooks now. Remember they are our future. So you get with the program or be like the next occasional hardcover author. Look how you only see the same writers getting the hardcover opportunities.

Where is Shiree?

First let me tell you when I had my past life reading, I found out in one of my lives I was a writer who was too outspoken for my time and I was hung for it. So I feel as if I am fulfilling my destiny in my current life. I am once again writing about something the world is not ready to accept. But this time I won’t be forgotten. Long after I have gone my stories will be remembered by someone. When I found out five years ago I would not ever have children of my own, I became serious about my writing and being published no matter what. These stories are my children…this is my legacy. So wherever I am in the future I shall be right where I was meant to be.

Your future works?

My future works?

Well not only do I have Selby and Darius coming out at www.oceansmistpress.com they are also considering Forever Moonlight, which ties in with Selby and Darius and afterwards I will be submitting for their consideration Zaza and Sylus’s story, again ties in with Selby and Darius.
www.newconceptspublishing.com , has my first Historical Interracial Romance, The Lord and the Scorpion which is over a 130,000 word novel and the first of four, all stand alone stories. So hopefully it will sell well so it can be reproduce for future paperback distribution.
My current goal is to have four or five books circulating amongst my readers while I take the rest of the year to work on second Interracial Historical The Prince and the Panther. They are the most time consuming to write. I welcome all to check out my website www.shireemccarver.com and join my group while you are there so you can keep up with the latest updates. I also have a big give away planned for the kick off of Selby and Darius! I also encourage emails shireemccarver@yahoo.com

Cool, we readers love free things. LOL

Shiree, it has been great having you. Thank you for granting me this interview.

Thank you so much Lea for considering me interview worthy. As my career unfolds you are always welcomed back for updates, ice tea in mason jars, and some girly talk.

It will be my pleasure




In the world of publishing, the cover art is critical to an author's book. No, we should not judge a book by it's cover, but we often do. In the world of cover art, you have good, great, and then you have Jinger. Jinger has proven to be the best in the business of cover art, and I am honored and privledged to have her here today. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, the best in the business, Jinger Heaston.

Thank you for joining me Jinger.
I want to say that it is a real pleasure to have you here today. I am truly a fan of your artwork.

How do you draw inspirations for your artwork?

Well I don’t know if you would call it “inspiration” but I do like to listen to Celtic music, Enya stuff like that when Im working. It kind of depends on the mood as to what I listen to. I can go from Patsy Cline to Janis Joplin while working!

Cool. What an ecclectic selection.
How did you get started in the business?

I worked for PawPrints POD and wondered if creating covers was something I could do, I attended Kansas State University were I studied Art, so I had the education, just never applied it. So I applied at Whiskey Creek Press and was hired!

When you get an assignment, what determines the outcome of the book?

If you are talking about the outcome of the book cover, it depends on several factors. The Authors wants, my ideas, their ideas and a combination of both.

You are so diverse, how do you deliver such accurate beautiful work each time?

Thank You!! I'm glad you like my work, working with you was so much fun and I look forward to doing it again. This may seem silly but sometimes I can see the cover in my mind and I just set out to create it. It is a tough job to reach into the mind of someone you do not know and bring to life their vision of the perfect cover, Im very blessed to have my job.

How long have you been doing this cover art?

About 2 years, maybe a bit longer.

What other art work do you do?

Mostly draw unicorns over and over for my youngest daughter! I have also painted a few murals on bedroom walls *kids themes*

Did you have to go to school to learn your trade?

Yes and No. I majored in Art, but learned how to apply that to covers on my own.

Do you love what you do?

I absolutely adore what I do!!!

What about the authors that you do art work for? Is the process part author/ part Jinger, or is it Jinger?

It is half and half. Most of the Authors I have been blessed to work with have wonderful ideas express those in the AIF and really help bring the vision to life. They are also open minded enough to look at another direction I may go and think, “Hey..actually I like that!” A team effort all the way.

What's your favorite cover?

The next one!!

And we can't wait to see it!

Let's talk about Kate September's The Siren's Bloom(Ocean's Mist Press Publishing) That cover rocked! How did you decide on that book cover?

Kate had provided a drawing that her Mother had done *wonderful job by the way Kate’s Mom!* and I kind of took that and ran with it. What struck me on the AIF was the color of the eyes, so I wanted to really work those into the artwork.

What's next for you?

More covers and making new friends with all these wonderful Authors!!

Thank you for spending this time with us.


Friday, January 13, 2006


I want to invite readers and bloggers to my yahoo group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/leaa4u/

Thursday, January 12, 2006


I feel as if God has blessed me in my life. I have a wonderful family, great friends, and terrific readers. I am less than one month old in the writing game, and already I have a great group of readers who enjoy my books. I truly appreciate you all and the encouragement that you have given me. I am blessed to have you and I thank God for you. I have plans to write about what I know. I am going to do me, and I am glad that you are supporting me. I am grateful to my publishing company for letting me do things the way that I want to. Never once did they encourage me to 'tone things down'. They gambled on me and surrounded me with a team.
I love you all.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I have a friend that has meant so much to me over the past 20 years. We haven't seen each other since we were 12, but we've stayed in though through the years. Her birthday is this month, and I want to wish her a special Happy Birthday. May God bless you and keep you covered in His blood.


Sunday, January 08, 2006


Okay, I have a sister who is 40+ and shit hot! I was looking at
Shiree's pic and she's 40+ and shit hot! I turn on the TV and the
women over 40 are shit hot! I want to know your secrets! Are you
women enjoying the fruits of younger men? Have you all found the
fountain of youth? What is going on in the mind of the 40+ women,
because you all are hot as hell and giving the young bucks a run for
our money! So if you are 40 and F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S, I want to hear from
you. If you are a younger man dating, attracted, or just having sex
with a 40+ woman, I want to hear from you too.
Holla back,



January 9, 2006 | www.oceansmistpress.com | Issue 16

New this Week!

Ahhhh, the best laid plans….Dia's Year Of The Cock comes in the wake of her own rebirth as a woman who knows what she wants, knows how to get it, goes out and gets it! Each month she fulfills a long cherished fantasy…a stranger in an elevator…the taste of a woman...two men…a round table where she's the centerpiece and the main course…bound and toyed with until she can't stand it, until she's begging for it…she plans meticulously, and then life gets in the way…love gets in the way! Funny how that happens. Funny how out of control we really are! Funny how her sister freaks out over Dia's plans (and then tries some of them on her husband). Funny how Dia's Year Of The Cock becomes the Love Of Her Life!

Fast paced, witty and irreverent, come on in girls! The water's fine!

Nina was the rising star at work and the object of every man's desire. Adrian was the boss's son in line to take over the company. They feel in love and everything seemed perfect. That is, until Adrian's family drops a bomb on him and issues an ultimatum: The company or Nina.

Adrian chooses the company and immediately regrets it. His life is miserable with out Nina in it. And just when he's ready to move on with his life, she shows up... pregnant with his child. Nina is pregnant, angry, and holding a vendetta against Adrian. What's a man to do? except ask for her hand in marriage.

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Ladies, Gentlemen. Have you ever met someone so incredible awsome that you had wanted to jump his/her bones on the first date? Have you ever dared to venture into sex with a stranger? Did you dare to go bare? Sans condom? How was it the 'morning after?' I want to hear your 'first date, you made it to home plate' stories! I would lead by example, but I don't have any.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


The New year is kicking off with a bang! Darian's Christmas Promise is doing well. Thank you! The highly anticipated, contreversal, Not for ya Momma unless she's just that damned cool,romance/chick lit: The Price of Love Is out now at Ocean's Mist Press. I'll be holding interviews with the characters. I'll be answering
questions about why I dared to go there in romance.

*When Real Life Hits the Pages of Romance*