Friday, December 19, 2008


It's been a while since Ive blogged. I've been busy. Not as busy at that Duggar lady who's had her 18th baby today. Congrats to her! I have to say, Bless her heart, I couldn't do it. J1,2 &3 are working my nerves and they're older. I couldn't
imagine purposely getting pregnant that many times. My tubes would have
been under lock and key in my OBGYN's office after baby #5. Hell, after
baby #3 I had my doc cut, burn and laser my tubes. There is no going
back, thank God. But anyway, bless her for ensuring that the
human population never goes extinct.

I'm off,

Saturday, August 16, 2008


So the media is making a big deal out of Robert Downy Jr. in Tropic Thuder because he's portraying a black man. "He's in blackface", they accuse.

Normally I'd be against something like this. Remembering Ted Danson back in the early 90s still makes me shiver; however, I doubt that Mr. Downy Jr. did this role to be mocking of blacks. I believe that he is an actor playing a role, and the fact that it is RDJ playing this character is funny. Having Don Cheadle in this role probably wouldn't be as funny as seeing RDJ play this character. So I think the media should back off. They didn't have squat to say when Marlon and Shawn Wayans played white girls in their roles White Chicks. I'm just saying.

And yes, I love me some RDJ,so leave him alone.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


April is Autism Month! This month is important to me because my eldest daughter is Autistic and this is the month the world takes notice of these special children. Also, important issues are brought to the fore front about this disease.

J1, is doing well. She is 14, almost 15 and is speech impaired, although she loves to tell like Christ loves the church.(go figure).

Anyway, J1 is a blessing. She loves to shop, eat, music, computers, and movies. She hates cleaning, exercising and doing homework. She has her friends, and a love for Chris Brown.
My point is, she has a life in spite of her disease. I chose not to medicate, but that was a personal decision.
And she is a straight A student. She is also an athlete(basketball, bowling, track and field, swimming, volley ball).

So I offer some comfort to parents of children with autism: Don't let the disease dictate how you raise your child(ren). There is still a little boy or girl in there. Search for him/her. Don't be afraid to get on the floor and play with your child. Don't be afraid to dream for your child. And be willing to sacrifice everything for him/her. You are your child advocate. Love and cherish your precious gift. They are worth it.

I'm out,

Saturday, March 15, 2008


I tell you, if it wasn't for bad luck... I would have none. I am convinced that I am a walking, talking, Murphy's Law.
In Jan. I got the flu. Twice. I was disapproved for a loan because my mortgage company has been reporting me delequent since July!!! When I brought this error to their attention they were like: Oops! Write us a letter and we'll rectify this immediately!
The doctor is requesting an audience with me again(it's hardly ever good when they do this); my sugar is so high my meter is reading ERROR!!!
And on top of this, I am trying to finish renovating my house. We've moved into an apartment in the mean time(The children were derailing our progress at every turn). The first week at the new apartment, they put one child on the wrong bus, the other child had no bus, and I had to wait an hour and a half for the third child's bus to come both morning (5:00am) and evening, until they got the route straight! The other house is scheduled to be finished 2 months early, so I better off load this house before I enter into MortgageX2, plus rent! On top of all this, my phones are acting crazy and I can hardly log onto my internet(failing signal and all). And did I mention that I am a bitch to live with right now?

But on a lighter note, I am back to writing, and I have to say, it feels damned good!
