Thursday, December 01, 2005


I've been asked to republish this post and tis the season for it:

I love Christmas as much as the next person, however, I am sporting the remnants of a migraines due to some woman's loud home made European Red heavily decorated Christmas sweater with matching stretch pants!!! This ladies shirt was a work of art, in a bad sense. She had Xmas trees, and holly; mistletoe and reindeer, and you think that because the shirt was full, she would stop there? No, she went to the stretch pants and put on some snowflakes and Santa. Xmas lights and Mrs. Clause was the only this missing. It was ugly, tasteless and harmful to my eyes. I immediately got a headache.
So if you are that individual who feels the need to flaunt the decorative shirt, sweater, or pants...Don't. It's ugly, tacky and harmful to others.
If someone gives you this item to you as a present, they hate you and is probably plotting your demise.
If your favorite store sells this crap, exit smartly and never go back there for your clothing needs.
If you make this junk, drop the beadazzler, glue gun, and glitter. Move away from your crafts table, and take up pottery.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

LOL! She's just getting in the spirit of things, it sounds like. ;-))))

Paz (off to check my wardrobe)

ME said...

LOL. More and more people are coming out in public with these offensive items! *grrrr*