Friday, October 26, 2007

genarlow wilson

Thank God he's free. Genarlow Wilson, the Ga. boy who was convicted of felony sex offense and was sentenced to ten years for having consensual sex with a 15year old when he was 17.(Lord Take The Wheel)Many of us heathens would be just getting out of jail if this type of malicious prosecution was the norm. I mean, don't we have enough perverted pedophiles in the community to convict rather than meddling into high school mischief that should be handled by parents, some punishment and a chasity belt? My bad they are the ones prosecuting these kids behaving badly. I wish the best for this young man. I hope he goes on with his life and fight the good fight. I don't want to see him 'making it rain' on Youtube like the Jena6 boneheads. Have you seen that clip with the Jena6 crew flashing their defense money around and flossing their jewelery for the camera. I'm rolling my eyes to the sky. I guess they think that the public was rooting for them and not the justice system. It's about them...Not! I know that I didn't want to see these boys do 20 years for jumping someone, hell I've been jumped and all the girls got was beat down individually by my big sister Lisa--Love you Elle. Any who, I was supporting equal justice, not juvenile delinquents behaving badly.

Okay, I've had my Jena6 melt down. Back to Genarlow Wilson, I wish the best for him and his family. It took a lot of courage to do what he did. (He fought the charges rather than take a plea deal from the public pretender). Here's a link to the case.

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