Thursday, October 18, 2007


Lately I've been running around like a chicken with her head cut off. Why? Because I have so many things going on. I've even forgotten what day of the week it is. Seriously. And to make matters worst, I 've not been getting a lot of sleep, and when I do, I dream of my closest friends. Yesterday when I dozed off, I dreamed that Stephanie was telling me about new book contracts. And last night, I dreamed that Nikki and I was on a secret Ops. mission in the future, and Terrial was there, so she and I went shoe shopping. And all the shoes...
The significance of this is that Steph and I met at OMP(we have the same publisher).
Nikki and I met in the military.
Terrial and I met when I was 2 and she was 3.

Anyway, back to me and the day. It's Thursday, I think and I have a long to-do list. I can't wait until Friday. Sigh.



Anonymous said...

I know the feeling about being so busy. ;-)

Love the new look of your site!


Mari said... time can you dream of us going shoe shopping? LOL


ME said...

Hey Paz, thanks!

ME said...

LOL. Mari, I'll focus on Jimmy Choo next time I go to sleep.
