Friday, February 16, 2007


I'm suspious of Howard K. Stern. He just seems so slimy to me. I wouldn't be surprised if he ushered Anna Nicole's demise. But this is all speculation and just my opinion. Saying all of that, I do believe that he should gain control of the body. I believe that he will adhear to Anna's wishes. He'll most likely bury her next to her son. I believe that he may be the best person for the baby too.(And I think he did it.) That doesn't say a lot about the other players in this circus. It's a sad situation. Oh and did you see the judge? He's caught on tape referring to Anna Nicole's body as "That baby" and saying "It's my body"? OMG that man is another slimy s.o.b. It's just sad.



Anonymous said...

This is possibly the craziest legal proceeding ever, with lawyers passing out in court and whatnot.

I'm guessing you saw the ruling yesterday. The judge was crying and everything. I'd have to agree with your feelings about him. He's the craziest one of them all.

That poor baby. I fear for her no matter who she ends up with.

Anonymous said...

I hear ya Anita. It is sad.


Layne Blacque said...

That judge really wanted to be a STAH. Such a sad, dreadful proceeding, and the case itself is terrible. Poor Dannilynn.