Saturday, August 11, 2007


So I've released my book For The Love of Kira, previously released at OMP, as a free read on my loop. It's African American, both hero and heroine. The story doesn't feature the hero as a shape shifter, or an asshole, or a slave, or a gay best friend. He's just a good man. I've noticed that a few in ebook land, black men are hardly seen, or if so, they are type cast. So I wonder... Why are black men demonized, emasculated, and villainized in ebook land? (I happen to love black men myself.)
Just a question.
Anyone can respond to me on blog, or off. And you don't have to be PC about it. Just be respectful, please.



Unknown said...


I don't think your observation regarding black men only applies to the world of ebooks. You can see them marginalized in the media, corporate america, academia--just about everywhere...

ME said...

Thanks for the response Philly Girl, it's just in mainstream romance, you have a large range of black heros. Kimani, Aphrodesia, and other lines, all have black heros who are regular everyday men. It's hard to find that here in ebook land.
But I get your point and sadly, you are right.


foosrock! said...

I'm late to this, but just want to add that although a black female, my main interest is I/R. That's what my preference is privately and it spills over to reading romances. I've come across I/Rs ebooks where the male is black and have shunned those as the heroine isn't reflective of my physical attributes. It is a fantasy afterall. I don't know if black males are intentionally marginalised. It seems to me, if there's a demand, there would be a supply. Afterall, money has only one colour!.

ME said...

Hey Chandy,
This is just the answer that I was looking for. Thank you for your honesty. As a writer, it's important to me to understand all point of views. Now I got it. Thanks a bunch.
