Tuesday, August 15, 2006


School is now back in session and I am sooo excited! I've made it through another summer, Praise the Lord!

Now, this wouldn't be a typical L.T. blog with out mentioning some of the things that I've observed that has bothered me.
J1, my eldest daughter, is in the 8th grade. That's middle school. Middle school doesn't look the same since I've entered middle school over 2 decades ago(sheesh, has it been that long?)
These days, they have, amazon's and linebackers, in the 6th,7th, and 8th graders. It has to be something in the water.
Also, a lot of these young boys and girls have a blatant disrespect for themselves and others. They curse like sailors(I know, I was in the Navy)and a lot of them are just very obnoxious. (And she goes to an excellent middle school academically).

As I'm looking around the middle school, I notice a lot of young girls in the office. No need to explains why, it's obvious. They are in violation of the shcool's dress code. Young girls who think it's appropriate to come to school with skirts so short they look like belts!
Now, I don't blame the children, they are, after all, children. I blame the parents for buying these items. Maybe I wouldn't be so peeved if the kids looked destitute. You know, the theory: They have nothing else to wear.
No! These girls were shiny and new.

Now, being a mother of 3, I can't play ignorant to what's going on. I just wondered when parents stop being the ones in control and started becoming servants to the demands of our precious children?

Holla back,


Mari said...

I think the problem with the dressing of teens is the fact parents give the CC and send them out to go buy clothes instead of going with them. There was a discussion on the radio yesterday about this very thing. My kids are too young to do this, but I don't see my handing over a CC to them either.

I am glad school started too. Mine are in their second week and it is wonderful to have a few hours to myself. :) (aka heaven)

ME said...

I see your point Mari with the CC and all. What a shame.
