Monday, April 24, 2006


Okay, I'm in a dispute with the school board because one woman decided that our school district doesn't want to support the small number of children with autism, so she has made the decision to place the children in regular special ed. classes, and cut the existing autism classes to save the district a few dollars. The problem is, is autism is a spectrum disorder and putting them in proposed setting boarders on abuse.I personally know most of the children that these new cuts will affect and I , along with their parents and teachers, are convinced that they will not survive such a liberally sturctured setting. Is it too much to ask for our children to get a fair shot in life? Yes, you can save a few dollars by cutting the autism programs now. But should you? I don't think so. It's parent's right to have an adquate and safe atmosphere for our children to learn. I feel as if the public school system has placed a price on the value of our children's education and it reads: Tor Sale: Cheap.



Anonymous said...

Amazing, isn't it, whether local or federal, how our government works? All the billions poured down the sinkhole that is the Iraqi war yet the most powerless among us are denied. I'm guessing that there's probably not a huge amount of people protesting this although I hope I'm wrong. Those in power know they're fairly safe doing this. Human nature being what it is most people aren't bothered by this type of thing unless it touches them personally. I doubt if they're rethinking the huge tax give-aways and other incentives used to either lure or keep large corporations. For all our talk about children being the future, we're very reluctant to invest in them adequately. Out of all the first world nations, America's ranks as one of the lowest when it comes to education, and ensuring that all citizens are properly cared for.

I can't imagine the anguish those parents affected must be experiencing.

I hope you guys are able to successfully fight this soulless, heartless, and IGNORANT decision.

Paz Edwards said...

Keep fighting and don't let them get away with their poor decision! Good luck!
