Wednesday, November 23, 2005


This Holiday Season, I'm going to finally take the time to tone up this baby fat that I have accumulated over the past several(I mean seven) years.
I am usually not a vain person, so gaining a few pounds here and there didn't matter that much to me; however, when I put on a favorite pair of jeans that I hadn't warn in a while because I had gotten sooo big, I was flabbergasted at what I saw. My stomach looked like a mushroom cap hanging over the stem, my jeans. It was gross. I know, I need to tone up and I hope that this visual image is incentive.
And NO! Buying a larger size jean is not an option. I'll keep posting my progress.


Anonymous said...

LOL! Are you sure you're not exaggerating? ;-) Well, good luck with your progress and don't forget to enjoy your holidays!


ME said...

Thanks Paz.