Tuesday, December 12, 2006


So I'm reading a book and it seems that I'm having a case of deja vu.
That's french for 'already seen'or something like that.(I'm sure
Layne Blacque will run onto her computer to google the word and
inform me of it's true meaning and origins.)Anywho, so I'm reading
this book and some of the scenes seems oddly familiar... So, I go
into my mental roller dex, and realizes that the scenes in the book
is one of a montage of different authors works, rolled into a book.
This particular author was very clever. She decided not to use exact
words, but rather put her "stank" all over the collection of stories.
I was really bothered by this, so a friend of mine told me to blog
about it.

I started to research this and realized that this is running rampant
in the publishing world and we as ebook authors are particularly
vulnerable.(I know, I'm a horrific speller...bare with me.)
So, who's watching whom in this industry?
And I'm not naive about similar plots and storylines. Hell, I
remember reading a book and swearing to God that someone poached The
Price of Love, until I read the trademark,(Sister girl knew that she
was going to get paid)and realized that the other book had come out
in 2003. I felt like an ass. (I had already called up publisher ready
to sue) Especially since I was only 2 pages into story. I decided not
to finish book.(Don't want to feed any paranoia) sigh.

But no, this is different. This is someone stealing scenes from
someone else and casting it off as their own.

I want to hear from both writers and readers. What do you think about
this unscruplious practice?



Anonymous said...

Hey, Lea:

I'd like to think this isn't as rampant as you think. I'm probably a little naive, but I prefer to think most of us rise up or flame out under our own merits. I'd be hurt (and hella pissed off) if plagiarism was an everyday thing.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Lea:

I'd like to think this isn't as rampant as you think. I'm probably a little naive, but I prefer to think most of us rise up or flame out under our own merits. I'd be hurt (and hella pissed off) if plagiarism was an everyday thing.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the double--now TRIPLE--post. Blogger and I went to war this morning. Looks like I lost. But, you get more of me! WEE!

As if you didn't have enough already... You poor thing.

ME said...

LOL. You are a bad influence. I was such a good clean Christian house wife before meeting you. (sigh)