Friday, December 22, 2006


My blog has gotten an overhaul. My friend Stephanie did it(thanks), and I really think it looks wonderful.

Speaking of new things, what are your New Years resolutions? Any plans for leaving '06? I personally can't wait for the year to end. I've spent most of it sick and I am looking forward to having a fresh start, and illness free.

Other 'O7 plans include:
Learning to bake
Taking a family vacation
Earning more money
Acquiring a NY contract
Starting my own business
Going back to school
Improving on my "writing" craft
Blogging more

'07 for me is going to be about learning. I will become a student again in every sense of the word. I want my writing to be stronger, and better.

What are your goals? Holla back


1 comment:

Marie Rochelle said...

Loss these last twenty pounds.

Write more

Take more time for me

Have more fun

Go out and get more research done for my books.

Marie Rochelle